- Unlimited number of products
- Supports categories and manufacturers
- Categories can also be fully nested to any level desired (sub-categories)
- Products can be mapped to more than one category or manufacturer
- Anonymous checkout
- One-page Checkout
- Gift Cards (Virtual and Physical)
- Recurring Products
- Support for kit products (e.g. Build your own computer)
- Multilingual support
- Multicurrency support
- Measure weights, measure dimensions
- Real-time currency exchange rates (ECB)
- SSL support
- Export/import (XML, Excel)
- PDF order receipts
- Fully 100% customizable design using templates
- Phone order support
- RMA (return management)
- Configurable list of allowed countries
- (For billing, For shipping)
- ACL (Access control list)
- Activity Log
- Live chat integration
- SMS notifications
- Mini shopping cart
- OpenID, Facebook and Twitter authentication
- W3C compliance (XHTML)
- Web Services API
- RTL (right-to-left) support

- Product attributes (e.g. color, size)
- Stock management by product attributes (such as, color and size)
- Product tags
- Configurable checkout attributes (such as «Gift Wrap» or «Enter custom message»)
- Configurable customer attributes (such as «Date of birth», «Phone number»)
- Individual prices can be specified for individual customer groups
- Allow customers to enter product price (if enabled)
- Allow store owner to hide prices for non-registered customers
- Products can require that other products are added to the cart (Product X requires Product Y)
- Downloadable products supported
- Downloadable products. License file can be attached
- Downloadable products can have an user agreement
- Downloadable products. Configurable download activation type: ‘When order payment status is Paid’ or ‘Manual activation’
- Text options on products (e.g. require initials for monogrammed products, require text name for product customization, etc)
- Support for simple products (e.g. a book) or products with variants
- Support for sale prices
- Product search
- Featured products, sale products or new products
- Supports multiple images per product
- Auto image resizing
- Inventory tracking
- Disable buy buttons for specific products
- Product specifications (e.g. processor, memory, graphic card)
- Compare products feature (if enabled)
- ‘Call for price’ support
- Cross-sells support
- Backorder support
- Display product stock availability option
- Reward Points System
- Ability to assign design on category, manufacturer or product (unique design per category/manufacturer/product)
- Supports related products
- Marketing manager (Email campaigns)
- Customer groups can be marked as free shipping
- Customer groups can be marked as tax exempt
- Search Engine Friendly URL’s
- Automated URL Re-Writing
- Every product, category and manufacturer page can have their own custom search engine meta tags, page title
- Customize default SEO meta tags
- Store news items supported. News RSS. News comments
- Require administrator approval of product reviews for all reviews (if enabled)
- Product review helpfulness (“Was this review helpful for you?”)
- Supports discounts
- Supports coupons
- Discount amount can either be a fixed value or a percent off. e.g. $10.00 off or 20% off
- You can specify a start date and an end date when the coupon is valid
- Discounts can be assigned to products
- Discounts can be assigned to categories
- Discounts can be assigned to whole order
- Discounts can be filtered by a customer role
- ‘Had purchased all of these product variants’ discount requirement
- ‘Had purchased one of these product variants’ discount requirement
- ‘One time only’ discounts
- ‘One time per customer’ discounts
- Discounts can be assigned to shipping fee
- Discount Usage History
- Volume discounts (Tier prices)
- Customers can review & rate products (if enabled)
- Recently added products page. RSS.
- Recently viewed products page
- Free Shipping Option
- Polls supported
- Store blog supported
- Forums supported
- Supports affiliate programs
- Froogle (google base), PriceGrabber / Yahoo Shopping, become.com product feeds
- Google XML site map
- Customizable email templates
- Completely customize the layout & appearance of any category, manufacturer, or product page
- CMS Topics
- Breadcrumb trail for easy site navigation
- “Store is closed” feature
- QuickBooks integration
- Google AdSense integration
- FedEx
- Australia Post
- Canada Post
- Restrict Available Shipping Methods by Country
- Calculate shipping by order total
- Additional shipping charges by product
- Specify all orders as free shipping
- Admin defined shipping methods (e.g. Ground, Next Day, 2nd Day, etc)
- Calculate shipping by order weight
- Calculate shipping by country & total order weight
- Several Shipping Rate Computation Methods used Simultaneously (such as, FedEx and UPS)
- Free shipping over $X
- Specify all orders as free shipping
- Packaging slips
- Support for “no shipping required” products (e.g. services)
- Admin defined shipping methods
- Customer groups can be marked as free shipping
- Shipping tracking number

- Apply tax by country
- Apply tax by state
- Apply tax by zip
- StrikeIron tax provider
- Individual products can be marked taxable or tax-exempt
- Tax classes supported by product (e.g. goods, services, alcohol, etc)
- Customer groups can be marked as tax exempt
- Allow store owner to specify whether shipping is taxable
- The European Union Value Added Tax (EU VAT) support (Company VAT Number)
- Allow store owner to specify which tax based on: billing/shipping/default/shipping origin address
- Allow store owner to specify whether prices include tax
- Allow customer to choose tax display type (incl/excl tax)
- Allow store owner to specify tax display type (incl/excl tax)
- Allow store owner to specify whether shipping prices include tax
- Allow store owner to specify whether to hide zero tax
- Allow store owner to specify whether to hide tax in order summary when prices are shown tax inclusive
- Restrict Available Payment Methods by Country
- Cash On Delivery payment method
- Accept Purchase Order
- Accept Checks / Money Order
- Store can be set to authorize only, or auth-capture credit card mode. You can then capture payment at shipment if desired
- Void support
- Real-time or offline credit card processing
- Refund (and partial refund) support
- Manual gateway (just collects order & payment information for offline processing)
- Purchase order
- PCI DSS compliant
- Accept all major credit and debit cards

- Allow customers to register/login by email or by username
- Wish list
- Customers can view their order history and order statuses
- Customer has an address book
- Customizable Order Emails
- Multiple billing and shipping addresses per customer
- Customer roles (groups)
- Time zone support
- Built-in forum
- Password recovery
- Display Order Notes to Customers
- Several account registration/activation types
- Automatic registration (no approving)
- Manual registration (Admin Approval)
- Email validation during registration (optional)
- “Email a friend” feature
- Compare products feature (if enabled)
- News RSS
- Recently added products RSS
- Image capture on login/registration
- Contact Us form